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The club was formed in 1978 for the purpose of advancing the sport of waterskiing. This includes individual skiing, team skills such as show skiing, recreational skiing, and general safety principles. Recreational and beginning skiers have the opportunity to learn all facets of waterskiing from the basics to tournament events and barefoot skiing. The club provides boats, knowledge, skis and other equipment to our regularly scheduled practices and ski schools. The club owns a safety boat, and four tow-boats. Members need only supply a lifejacket and enthusiasm. Members and skiers range in age from five to sixty years old and there are no age limitations. Current club membership is approximately seventy five people.

The Five Seasons Ski Team performs a show every Thursday night at Ellis Park in Cedar Rapids, IA June thru Labor Day. Special shows are performed for various communities and festivals. The team also competes in state, regional, and national show ski tournaments. We strive to provide quality family entertainment for the Cedar Rapids area. We also provide a wholesome, fun, activity for area youth and families.

Each year new members learn dock starts, water ballet, pyramids, doubles, trios, jumping, barefooting, and the other essential show skiing skills. Many of our active ‘show skiers’ are not skiers at all. Equipment personel, dock director, sound crew, announcer, boat crews, and numerous other positions provide challenging and rewarding opportunities for those who enjoy being involved, without getting wet. It is amazing how fast members learn and enjoy their skills.

2025 Board of Directors:

  • President: Ryan Furnish

  • Vice President: Sarah Walker

  • Secretary: Trisha Furnish

  • Treasurer: Ben Dugan

  • Board Member: Madeline Recker

  • Board Member: Brayden King

  • Board Member: Kristin Deutmeyer

  • Board Member: Tara McCoy

  • Show Director: Cody Hickson

  • Show Director: David Lammers

  • Show Director: Brittany Scott

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